Helping students: CARE

Refer a Student

bet36365体育的CARE团队是一群来自校园各地的专业人士,负责接收有关学生的转介, collects additional information, 确定并制定适当的策略来解决这些问题.

该小组的目的是通过与校园部门合作,为有风险的学生提供一种保密的早期干预手段, faculty, and staff.

关怀团队不是唯一的沟通机制,也不会取代学生健康和咨询所提供的服务, Student Conduct Office, University Police, or other established student services.

Recognizing crisis warning signs

处于危险或危机中的人不再有效地应对. As his or her emotions intensify, 应对变得不那么有效,直到这个人迷失方向, nonfunctional, or attempts harm to self or others. 有严重心理健康危机的学生可能是:

  • Extremely anxious, resulting in panic reactions
  • 发表自杀言论或企图伤害自己的
  • 高度破坏性(敌对的,侵略性的,暴力的)
  • 无法沟通(说话含糊不清,思想不连贯)
  • 看起来与现实脱节(看到或听到不存在的东西), (表达与现实不符的信念或行为)

Taking action

如果你认为学生或其他人可能面临迫在眉睫的伤害危险, call Police and Parking Services at 308-865-8911, or 911. If you aren't sure, 在上午8点之间拨打学生健康与咨询电话308-865-8248或学生事务处电话308-865-8528.m. and 5 p.m. Click on the link, referral form 如果情况不是紧急危机,直接和私下给援外援助小组发电子邮件.

Distress signs


A student may be in distress if:

  • Quality of their work is deteriorating; missing assignments, attendance or appointments
  • 多次要求住宿(迟交论文,延期,延期考试)
  • 写作主题为绝望、社会孤立、愤怒、绝望或威胁
  • He is disruptive or monopolizing classroom time; her patterns of interaction change
  • Is demonstrating anxiety, panic; irritability or aggressive behavior
  • Shows apathy, lack of energy, a change in sleeping or eating habits, or dramatic weight gain or loss; marked changes in hygiene, work habits, or social behavior
  • 发表关于自杀或有自杀念头的言论
  • 声音怪异的想法,似乎与现实情况不一致
  • Using alcohol or other drugs excessively
  • Others express concerns

Start a conversation

一个痛苦的人经常需要帮助,但不知道如何开口. 用一种关心的、不加评判的方式表达你的关心. 对你来说,几分钟有效的倾听可能就足以帮助学生对下一步该做什么感到舒适

  • 找一个私人的(不是隐蔽的)、舒适的地方谈话. Give the student your undivided attention.
  • 询问学生是否曾与其他人谈论过这个问题.
  • 用这样的话表达你的担忧,“我担心……”.”
  • Ask open-ended questions. 学生可能不会回答,但如果知道你在努力理解,他们可能会感到宽慰.
  • You don’t need to find the solution. Just listening can be helpful.
  • Suggest that the student get more help. 向学生指出bet36365体育的资源,列在 Referral section.
  • Report the conversation to the CARE Team.
  • Alert your supervisor of the situation.